Groundbreaking educational series to challenge Facebook’s policies toward cannabis-related content and information.

Groundbreaking educational series to challenge Facebook’s policies toward cannabis-related content and information.

Groundbreaking educational series to challenge Facebook’s policies toward cannabis-related content and information.

May 15, 2019 - The Cannaramic Online Summit, the first online series designed to provide education and information to communities nationwide as cannabis legalization progresses, has drafted a complaint and intends to file a federal lawsuit against social media giant Facebook.

The complaint outlines a pattern of censorship and suppression of information and content pertaining to legal uses of cannabis across Facebook’s platform as well as that of the popular social media app, Instagram, also owned by Facebook.

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Assessment of NYPD Report On Public Burning of Marijuana

Assessment of NYPD Report On Public Burning of Marijuana

The Report by the New York City Police Department’s “Working Group” is more window dressing than an actual policy change. Rather, it appears to be an elaborate 20 page rationalization to continue the present enforcement protocol without any real progress on the policing front.  As of today, the policy continues to leave it to the relatively unfettered discretion in the hands of each officer to decide whether to issue a summons or, subject to a variety of exceptions, affect a full blown arrest for the public consumption of marijuana. The continuation of this policy certainly is better than the old days in that those issued a summons are not fingerprinted and face only a maximum $100 fine for a first offense. But, that is not the policy that the citizens of New York want or need.

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