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Compassionate Care Act advances in NY Senate! What's next?

Compassionate Care Act advances in NY Senate!

Editors note: This action alert is from 2014 and no longer active The Compassionate Care Act passed the Senate Health Committee this week by a 9-8 vote with Republican Senator William Larkin casting the deciding vote. Now Medical Marijuana passed through the Health Committee for the first time sense 2009 it is now on to the Senate Finance Committee.

The Senate Finance Committee is made up for 37 seats including 20 republicans and 17 democrats. We need at minimum 19 votes to pass this bill. The people of New York NEED to put more pressure on the Senate Finance Committee to make sure we have enough vote to pass it through.

The Senate Finance Committee Chair, Senator DeFrancisco, said is a statement on Friday that he is relinquishing himself from responsibility of having to call the bill to a vote, instead he is leaving it up to Senate Leadership "If the two leaders want it on the agenda, it will go on the agenda." One of the two, Senator Klein, is a co-sponsor of the Compassionate Care Act, so he would want it to come to a vote naturally. One can only assume because of that what Senator DeFrancisco really meant was if the Republican half of the Senate leadership, Senator Skelos, wants it to be on the agenda, it will be on the agenda. 

The Compassionate Care Act NEEDS to get on the agenda, NOW!  We have until June 19th to pass this through the Senate Finance Committee, The Senate Rules Committee, The Senate Floor and then the governor can sign it into law.

If you're asking yourself what you can do to help pass the Compassionate Care Act, ask no further and read below.

Step 1:

Call Senator Skelos' office  (518) 455-3171 and read off this simple script


Hi, my name is (Your Name), My zip code is (Zip code) and I would like to ask Senator Skelos to support the Compassionate Care Act and ask Senator DeFrancisco to bring it to a vote in the Finance Committee. Thanks, Have a nice day!


Step 2:

Call the Senate Finance Committee members office's(see list below), asking each and every one of them to support the compassionate care act.


Hi, my name is (Your Name), My zip code is (Zip code) and I want to urge the Senator to support medical marijuana and to vote for the Compassionate Care Act. Thank you and have a nice day!


Senator Party Phone Email
Chair: John A. DeFrancisco R (518)-455-3511 jdefranc@nysenate.gov
Hugh T. Farley R (518)-885-1829 Farley@nysenate.gov
John J. Flanagan R (518)-455-2071 flanagan@nysenate.gov
Martin J. Golden R (518)-455-2730 golden@nysenate.gov
Joseph A. Griffo R (518)-455-3334 griffo@nysenate.gov
Kemp Hannon R (518)-455-2200 hannon@nysenate.gov
Andrew J Lanza R (518)-455-3215 lanza@senate.state.ny.us
Kenneth P. LaValle R (518)-455-3121 lavalle@nysenate.gov
Betty Little R (518)-455-2811 little@nysenate.gov
Carl L Marcellino R (518)-455-2390 marcelli@senate.state.ny.us
Jack M. Martins R (518)-455-3265 martins@nysenate.gov
Michael F. Nozzolio R (518)-455-2366 nozzolio@nysenate.gov
Thomas F. O'Mara R (518)-455-2091 omara@nysenate.gov
Michael H. Ranzenhofer R (518)-455-3161 ranz@senate.state.ny.us
James L. Seward R (518)-455-3131 seward@nysenate.gov
Catharine Young R (518)-455-3563 cyoung@senate.state.ny.us
Mark Grisanti R (518)-455-3240 grisanti@nysenate.gov
Ruben Diaz D (518)-455-2511 diaz@nysenate.gov
Daniel L. Squadron D (518)-455-2625 squadron@nysenate.gov
Toby Ann Stavisky D (518)-455-3461 stavisky@nysenate.gov
Neil D. Breslin D (518)-455-2225 breslin@senate.state.ny.us
Timothy M. Kennedy D (518)-455-2426 kennedy@nysenate.gov
David J. Valesky D (518)-455-2838 valesky@nysenate.gov
Adriano Espaillat D (518)-455-2041 espailla@nysenate.gov
Kevin S. Parker D (518)-455-2580 parker@senate.state.ny.us
Bill Perkins D (518)-455-2441 perkins@senate.state.ny.us
Martin Malavé Dilan D (518)-455-2177 dilan@nysenate.gov
Michael Gianaris D (518)-455-3486 gianaris@nysenate.gov
Ruth Hassell-Thompson D (518)-455-2061 hassellt@senate.state.ny.us
Velmanette Montgomery D (518)-455-3451 montgome@nysenate.gov
Gustavo Rivera D (518)-455-3395 grivera@nysenate.gov
Jose Peralta D (518)-455-2529 jperalta@nysenate.gov
John J. Bonacic R (518)-455-3181 bonacic@nysenate.gov
Liz Krueger D (518)-455-2297 lkrueger@senate.state.ny.us
William J. Larkin Jr. R (518)-455-2770 larkin@senate.state.ny.us
Joseph E. Robach R (518)-455-2909 robach@nysenate.gov
Diane J. Savino D (518)-455-2437 savino@senate.state.ny.us

If you're unable to or don't want to make phone call's you can goto our action alerts on www.norml.org/act and email your senator with a pre-written email! Compassionate Care Act